Living with Prostate Cancer: It’s Complicated

I guess it’s part of the male provider-protector thing: A recent survey found that men with advanced prostate cancer worry more about burdening their family and friends than about dying. That’s only one surprising fact from a fascinating and sometimes puzzling survey called The Advanced Prostate Cancer Patient and Caregiver Burden of Illness Study.Continue reading

Put down the Wine, Buddy, and Back away Real Slow…

Over the years, there have been dozens of studies that document the health benefits of resveratrol, a natural chemical found in the skin of red grapes, pomegranates, and elsewhere. Those benefits include improving cardiovascular functioning, reducing diabetes symptoms, heart attack and cancer risks, lowering cholesterol, slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s, and generally protecting against age-related...Continue reading

Reducing Prostate Cancer: Fat Chance (and That’s a Good Thing)

In a previous post, we talked about how omega-3 fatty acids—as beneficial as they are in many ways—have been shown to increase prostate cancer risk, especially of the most aggressive and deadly forms. But other types of fats, including avocados, nuts, olive and vegetable oils (especially canola), and seeds, have precisely the opposite effect: they...Continue reading

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