ivf vs icsi

In Vitro Fertilization vs. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

In vitro fertilization or IVF has been around for over 40 years and is a proven treatment for many forms of female and male infertility. It has even earned itself a Nobel Prize. Known as “test tube baby” technology, it is more aptly called “petri dish conception.” By putting half a million sperm and one egg...Continue reading

mRNA vaccine

How Does the mRNA COVID Vaccine Alter Us Genetically?

Actually, it doesn’t. It’s not putting a DNA “genetic code” into our bodies. Instead, it’s an injection of the downstream instructions for protein-making molecules called mRNA. These molecules are quickly broken down by cells soon after being injected and don’t have the capacity to genetically “transform” cells like DNA can. Some other facts about the...Continue reading

there is hope

There’s Hope: Maybe He’s Not Infertile!

They’ve been trying to conceive for almost two years with no luck. She’s been checked out and he’s been checked out and they’re both “fine.” That’s called unexplained infertility. It’s often at this point that I see couples, shoulders shrugged, saying: “We’re hoping you can figure out why we’re not conceiving!” And this scenario is...Continue reading

prepare for vasectomy

How to Prepare for a Vasectomy

The COVID pandemic has been very clarifying for you. You really don’t want more/any children. She has “pulled the goalie” and it’s time for you to step up and take control of things. After a bit of online research, you realize that your options are pretty limited: pulling out, abstinence, condoms…and vasectomy. Luckily, vasectomy happens to be the...Continue reading

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