porn addiction

How Porn Addiction Affects Our Relationships

Since the advent of the internet age, access to pornography has grown exponentially. A few decades ago, access to pornography was restricted to top-shelf magazines, and sex shops selling pornagraphic movies and other matierials. Nowadays, we can access pornangraphic sites with unlimited free content, at the click of a button. With this increase in available...Continue reading

old first-time father

The Follies of Hollywood Fatherhood

You probably heard it already: George and Amal Clooney are expecting. Yessiree, that perennial 55-year old bachelor, once described by the New Yorker Magazine as: “lightly ironic, clever, and self-deprecating, with furrowed brow and bobbing head, and a gyration in the lower jaw,” is awaiting diaper duty…for twins nonetheless. Ironically, this little feature of the salt-and-pepper haired...Continue reading

disconected men

Lost Fathers: How Deaths, Divorces, and Disconnections Impact Our Health and Happiness

Like most people, I’ve come to accept the inevitable losses in my past as part of life, something everyone experiences. As we get older we must deal with our parent’s death, the loss of friends, and other family members. But there are certain losses that have a lasting impact on our lives. As a psychotherapist...Continue reading

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