Dear Mr. Dad: Our 28-year-old daughter lost her job a while back, and after burning through her savings, moved back in with me and my husband. That was nearly nine months ago. In the beginning, I enjoyed having her around, but at this point, she’s definitely overstayed her welcome. Not only is she giving no...Continue reading
Category: Fatherhood
Everything You Need for a Successful Father-Son (or -Daughter) Fishing Excursion
Some of your fondest childhood memories may be of you and your father going fishing. Today, with a son (or daughter) of your own, you want to pass down this tradition to your offpsring and keep this pastime alive. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your first father-child fishing trip: Pick...Continue reading
Why You Should #LightItUpBlue for Understanding and Acceptance of Autism
April is Autism Awareness month. People all over the globe will be Lightning It Up Blue to shine a bright light on autism during World Autism Month! So what exactly is Autism? Autism is a neurological disorder that affects an individual’s social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and repetitive or restrictive behaviors. The incidence of...Continue reading
Should Kids Have Caffeine? Uh, Nope.
Dear Mr. Dad: I have been noticing kids who look much younger than high-school age buying frapuccino-type drinks at Starbucks and similar coffee places. It worries me, because I didn’t think caffeine was good for children, and didn’t allow my own son to have any while he was a teenager. Is coffee really bad for...Continue reading
Talking with Kids About Death
Dear Mr. Dad: My father, who had been sick for quite some time, recently died. He and my 7-year old daughter were very close. Naturally, she’s sad that Gramps isn’t around anymore, but I know that she doesn’t completely get why. Do you think she’s old enough to grasp what death is? If so, what’s...Continue reading
Dads Have Pregnancy Symptoms Too. Really.
Dear Mr. Dad: My wife is about four months pregnant and I’m really excited about becoming a new dad. The problem is that I’ve recently put on some weight (which is really weird, since I weigh exactly what I did in high school). I’ve also been having nosebleeds and I’m vomiting a lot (which is...Continue reading
In Defense of Our Sperm
Nichoas Kristof, in his New York Times Op-ed piece, has side stepped his usual poignant political commentary to pontificate on sperm and its implications for the survival of our species. Got to wonder what he’s putting in his coffee nowadays. Struggling Sperm His piece begins with the notions that human sperm have lost their once-nice...Continue reading
Hey, New Dad: Here are Five Ways to Take Back Your Life
Being a dad can be tough. Finding ways to balance work, life, relationships, and time for yourself can be exhausting. As a busy dad myself, I remember what it was like when my little girl arrived. Stress was piling up at work, the days were getting longer, I was sleeping about 2-3 hours a night,...Continue reading
The Follies of Hollywood Fatherhood
You probably heard it already: George and Amal Clooney are expecting. Yessiree, that perennial 55-year old bachelor, once described by the New Yorker Magazine as: “lightly ironic, clever, and self-deprecating, with furrowed brow and bobbing head, and a gyration in the lower jaw,” is awaiting diaper duty…for twins nonetheless. Ironically, this little feature of the salt-and-pepper haired...Continue reading
Inside My Men’s Group: The Hidden Truths I’ve Learned Over the Last 38 Years
I knew I needed a men’s group in the worst way. I had just returned to the San Francisco Bay area after a cross-country trip with my wife. We had hoped to save our marriage, but the trip nearly killed us, or rather it nearly killed me. My wife was a violent woman who slept...Continue reading