Coping with Life: Warning Signs You Need to See a Therapist

At some point in life, we all run into trying times. Whether you’re overloaded with stress, suffering a trauma, or just dealing with the complexities of day-to-day existence, life isn’t always a bed of roses. And it’s easy to slip into feelings—and behaviors—that are outside your normal patterns. Sometimes, you can get past those bumps...Continue reading

Need a Valentine’s Day Gift For The Man In Your Life? Get Him Screened For Prostate Cancer

With Valentine’s Day coming up, many women will be searching the perfect gift to give their man that shows them how much they truly care about and love them. Well, what’s better than a gift to make sure he’s going to be around for a while? Being that prostate cancer is the second most common...Continue reading

When Sleeping Giants Awake

In the Dune miniseries by David Lynch, a tremor felt in the desert of Arrakis usually meant that a huge, quarter-mile-long sand worm would soon surface and inhale acres of sand and anything on it. But these giant creatures, as dominating as they are, were also the only source of the spice mélange, a substance that increased the vitality,...Continue reading

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