“OK, Honey, I’m pulling the goalie. The IUD is out. Your turn to think about contraception.” Gees, now what? Quick, go through the list in your head. Withdrawal? Abstinence? Rhythm method? Not likely. Really boils down to vasectomy or condoms. Cut it or cover it. Handling Old Faithful Gees, condoms?!? Believe it or not, the oldest known condoms...Continue reading
Category: Masculinity
The Threesome Every Man Should Have
Acupuncture can deliver better moods, health and virility. Did you know there are three key benefits from receiving an acupuncture treatment that can make men better lovers? First is the endorphin release that results in less stress and a surge of feel-good hormones circulating through the body. Second, is improved circulation of blood and oxygen...Continue reading
Hair Loss Treatment for Men
Are you noticing your hair thinning? Or are you worried that you might have hair loss because your father and grandfather are bald? There are several ways to pre-emptively or take back control of your hair! Male Pattern Baldness is defined by a pattern of receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown, and is...Continue reading
Varicocele: Bringing Grown Men to their Knees
Name something utterly embedded in our lives, despite our tireless aversion to it. No one of sound mind seeks it out, although it commonly accompanies much of what we do. Yes, it’s pain. The Dutch Scratch And is there a particular pain that brings a man to his knees faster than scrotal pain? Nope. Just...Continue reading
PCA3 Test For Prostate Cancer
What is the PCA3 test? A PCA3 (prostate cancer gene 3) test is a simple urine test used to predict the likelihood of prostate cancer. Specifically, it is an additional tool used to determine whether a prostate biopsy is necessary. The PCA3 is specific for prostate cancer as the prostate cancer gene is only produced...Continue reading
Do My Du Mai
Is there anything as amusing as watching Dr. Paul Turek do a double take? Picture us, at the Integrative Fertility Symposium in Vancouver, sharing the podium for an East/West panel discussion on Men’s Reproductive Health, and, as often happens, the conversation takes an inevitable turn towards the male erection. We were discussing the difficulty men might...Continue reading
Are You A Gambling Man?
The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic. He appeared healthy. No issues with testosterone, erections,or sex drive. No infertility problem. No pain. No lumps or bumps. All dialed in with a primary care provider. He was even on time for his appointment. So, why was he here? “Doc, I’m 40...Continue reading
Understanding Low Testosterone Treatments
Did you know that there are three types of testosterone in your body? Sex-Hormone Binding Globulin (SBHG) Albumin “Free Testosterone” So what does it mean when you have “low testosterone?” Most of the time your doctors check both total testosterone (all three of the above combined) as well as the level of “free testosterone” found...Continue reading
It’s Men’s Health Month: Time to Tend to Your Man’s Health
by Elizabeth Battaglino, RN, CEO of HealthyWomen In 1994, Congress passed a bill to institute the week ending in Father’s Day as National Men’s Week, and all of June is celebrated as Men’s Health Month. Since that time, it’s been wonderful to see hundreds of workplaces, health care professionals, sports franchises and other institutions encouraging...Continue reading
Y Not The X?
Imagine Louis Armstrong bellowing: “Birds do it, bees do it, goldfish in the privacy of bowls do it…” Males and females, everywhere on earth, falling for each other. Now there’s evidence that, even chromosomally, they need each other. Sex Dogma Realize that scientific thought surrounding sex chromosomes has been a tad sexist to date: Two...Continue reading