You’re done with the kid thing and thinking of getting your wings clipped. What can go wrong early on after a vasectomy is pretty understandable and, fortunately, quite uncommon. But what about later on, say many years afterwards? Anything you should worry about? Worry Wart I get asked this all the time by patient’s considering...Continue reading
So, You Think You’re Having a Heart Attack
You start having chest pains, so go to the nearest emergency room. Needless to say, it’s a frightening, stressful time. You look to the health professionals treating you to get best possible advice about next steps. Are you having a heart attack? Do you need to be admitted to the hospital? Chest pain accounts for...Continue reading
Fascinating Facts about Your Digestive System
Our digestive system is an amazing 26 foot length work of art. Its talent includes taking the food we eat, breaking down and extracting the components of various nutrients, fiber, and calories that help to nourish and keep us alive. This work of the digestive system comprises the two main functions this irreplaceable system has...Continue reading
Five Signs that Your Child May Have an Alcohol or Drug Addiction
When you are a parent, it is important to take the time to pay attention to what your teenager is doing. Teens are partying earlier than ever and less afraid of the consequences that can come with hardcore partying with MDMA and alcohol abuse. It is important to know the signs of alcohol or drug...Continue reading
Three Ways to Help Your Loved One Facing Addiction
Addiction can be tough not only on the person who is suffering from the illness but on the family as well. When you have a loved one who is dealing with any type of addiction, you want to tread lightly to avoid worsening their condition. Addictions can show up in all different ways and have...Continue reading
Dads Play a Vital Role in Their Children’s Education
Dear Mr. Dad: My daughter is in 2nd grade at a wonderful school, and we get a lot of email asking for parent volunteers to help out in the classroom or to do cleanups, fundraising, and other stuff to help the school. Almost all of that email is directed at mothers and makes a special...Continue reading
Health Treatments That Work for Pets and People
Yous health. Here are just a few treatments and habits that can keep both you and your dog healthy. Caring for Your Skin Like humans, dogs can get a variety of skin problems that are irritating and uncomfortable. They can be caused by allergies, parasites, infections and a number of other things. If your...Continue reading
Just Had Surgery? 4 Strategies For A Safe And Quick Recovery
Even a relatively minor procedure can take quite a toll on your body, and patients who fail to follow their aftercare instructions run the risk of serious postoperative complications. What starts off as minor aches and pains can quickly turn into painful infections and chronic health issues that will require additional treatments. Here are a...Continue reading
Fatherhood Starts Before It Begins — Really
Dear Mr. Dad: My first baby is due in a few months, but I’m going to miss the birth. I’ve been out of work for more than a year and just landed a great job. The problem is that I need to go to across the country for a six-week training that starts on my...Continue reading
Want to Save 32,000 Lives a Year? It May Be As Easy as Seeing A Female Rather Than a Male Doctor
I still have a vivid memory of my first doctor, Dr. Minden. No one likes to see a doctor and I can still remember the fear of getting the immunization shots that were part of growing up. But doctor Minden was always so kind and caring, it made whatever I had to endure worth going....Continue reading