
Telehealth Impressions from a First-time User: A Cusper Discovers Telemedicine

Telehealth is our new best friend. Delivering health care services via technology and virtual modes is ideal in face of the Coronavirus pandemic because it allows medical professionals to provide care while practicing social distancing, and allows patients to receive care while avoiding crowded physicians’ office waiting rooms and clinics. But does telehealth truly live...Continue reading

testicular cancer awareness

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month: Patient Perspective Blog Post

It was a routine sports physical for my high school rowing team sophomore year of high school. My family medicine doctor performed all head-to-toe items on the form’s checklist, including the dreaded “turn and cough.” While going over my family history, the doctor asked about previous illnesses and cancers in the family. I was aware...Continue reading

marriage is good for the male heart

Absence May Make the Heart Grow Fonder, but Marriage Makes It Beat Longer—Especially for Men

Dear Health Men: I’ve heard that being married improves one’s health. Sounds good, but is it really true? A: Regardless of your feelings about marriage, you may want to give it a try—especially if you’re concerned about your health. Researchers at New York University studied 3.5 million people and found that married people have lower risks...Continue reading

How Dogs Provide Vital Help to Veterans

Men’s Health Network (MHN) has a long history of supporting the physical and mental health needs of our veteran populations. In fact, MHN – in collaboration with the Congressional Men’s Health Caucus – hosted a briefing on “Veterans and Active Military: Mental Health and Suicide Issues,” which had the objective of highlighting troubling issues that...Continue reading

Back to the Future: Reclaiming Our Partnership Culture and Saving Humanity

“For millennia, humans have imagined a peaceful and just world,” say Riane Eisler and Douglas Fry, in their monumental book, Nurturing Our Humanity: How Domination and Partnership Shape Our Brains, Lives, and Future. “Sometimes we only imagined this world in an afterlife. But over the last centuries, many of us have imagined it right here on Earth....Continue reading

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