Vitamin D may prevent prostate cancer growth

Researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center have found that vitamin D can help block a protein that causes prostate tumors to grow. Published in the journal Prostate, they discovered that inflammation may be the link between vitamin D and prostate cancer. They found that the gene GDF-15 – known to be up-regulated by...Continue reading

Childless by Choice

Writer and filmmaker Jason Headley ( published a poignant essay in about his decision to be childless. Excerpts from his well-considered point of view are presented here, with his permission: “Picture this: I’m thirty-four years old. I’ve been married four and a half years. I don’t have any children. People ask, ‘When are you guys going...Continue reading

Shining Light on Violence Against Women

Editorial note: Many, many rigorous scientific studies confirm that men and women can be–and are–victims as well as perpetrators of domestic violence. In this article, Dr. Nancy C. Lee talks about violence against women. In future posts, we’ll address violence against men. “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.” —Supreme Court Justice Louis...Continue reading

Fatherhood with Klinefelters

What’s the most common definable cause of azoospermia among infertile men? Here’s a hint: it’s also pretty common in general, occurring in 1/500 male births. Answer: Klinefelter syndrome. Men who have it possess an extra X chromosome in every cell in their bodies. It’s inherited, and about equally so from mothers and fathers. The fact is that most men don’t know about...Continue reading

MRI Fusion Guided Prostate Biopsy

Dr. David Samadi Prostate Cancer Center welcomes groundbreaking technology: MRI Fusion Guided Prostate Biopsy At the Dr. David Samadi Prostate Cancer Center here in New York, we are continually on the forefront of clinical and technological innovation. In the month of November, we will welcome a state-of-the-art diagnostic system to detect and diagnose prostate cancer...Continue reading

Partners in Prostate Cancer

A great time was had by all at the recent Prostate Cancer Tweet Chat hosted by the Urology Care Foundation. Having two of my football sports heros, Marcus Allen and Mike Haynes, involved in the chat really energized the conversation and certainly made it a personal highlight of this year’s Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Best Weapon Yet Another highlight from this Chat was...Continue reading

Prostate and Breast Cancers Are More Similar Than You’d Think

It’s rare to find the words “prostate cancer” and “breast cancer” in the same sentence. After all, one (prostate cancer) affects only men. The other affects mostly women. But despite their differences, the two diseases actually have a lot in common, particularly in the way those diagnosed with either one evaluate their options and make...Continue reading

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