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May Was Mental Health Awareness Month—But Mental Health Remains A Major Theme During Men’s Health Month in June

Mental Health and Children For the 74 million children and adolescents in the United States (24% of the total population), mental health includes reaching develop-mental and emotional milestones, developing healthy social skills, and learning how to cope when problems arise. Although recent years have brought a more concentrated focus to the topic of mental health... CONTINUE READING

june is men's health month

Men’s Health Month: 26 Years of Progress—But Still a Long Way to Go

In 1994, when Men’s Health Month first launched, women outlived men by 6.6 years. By 2017, that gender gap had narrowed to five years. Why the dramatic change? Well, Men’s Health Month (MHM) itself has played an important role. Celebrated every June across the country and around the world, MHM features screenings, health fairs, media... CONTINUE READING

mental health pandemic

Our Mental Health Pandemic and My Audacious Plan to Treat It

My recent article, “How to Avoid a Mental Health Pandemic and What We Can Do to Help,” focused on the importance of addressing mental health issues during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This article describes a potential solution that communities might consider in addressing current mental health issues and those we are likely to face in the... CONTINUE READING

marijuana and testicular cancer

Weed and Testis Cancer: An Unholy Duo

I know that it is legal in most states. I also know that getting “high” on pot is not the same as getting “drunk” on alcohol. These issues aside, I still worry a lot about the relationship between pot use and the risk of testicular cancer. Some recent meta-analysis research adds fuel to the fire. A review of 25 studies conducted... CONTINUE READING

end times?

End Times: Is Humanity Doomed or Ready for a New Beginning

If you believe we are facing a global climate crisis, increasing threats of war, and endless political conflict no matter who becomes our next President, you are rightly concerned about our future. I recently returned from the library, usually, a place of comfort and calm. I checked out the “new book” shelf and found End Times:... CONTINUE READING